Glitch Slider — Expressive Transition Effect


1. Include Glitch Slider’s files on your page:

  • js / jquery-3.3.1.min.js (if you don’t have jQuery linked already)
  • js / glitch-slider.js
  • css / glitch-slider.css
<script src="./js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="./js/glitch-slider.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/glitch-slider.css">

2. You need to have structure in HTML page like this:

<div id="glitch-slider">
  <img src="image-3.jpg">
  <img src="image-2.jpg">
  <img src="image-1.jpg">

Each <img> tag will be slider frame. Use as much <img> tags as you need wrapped into <div> with `glitch-slider` ID.


The `glitch-slider.js` file has available the following settings at the end of the file:

  • `speed` – time in milliseconds between transitions
  • `buttons` – enable / disable navigation buttons

For the best result use image size the same like `glitch-slider` container size.