Welcome to the Dark / Light mode button with memory. This button has a simple structure that allows the user’s choice to be remembered in that browser every time the user returns to it regardless of how much time has passed. It is based on a very simple and easy to understand Javascipt structure.
In addition, it comes with 10 different models of buttons made with pure css and 10 different colors that are designed to be perfectly visible on a light background as well as on a dark background. The CSS code also accompanies specific rules for all headings and paragraphs that will be used on your website.
All files are well organized and quite commented for an easy customization that will fits your purpose.
Template Features:
- 10 different button options
- 10 different button colors
- Fully Responsive
- Easy to Customize
- Exclusive SVGs
- All Files are Well Commented
- Minimal and Clean
- Well Documented
- Well Displayed in All Modern Browsers and Devices
- Modern Design Layout
- Fast load time
- Good User Experience and User Interface
- And much more…