VueJS-To-Do-List with animated buttons designed by CSS code without using any images,You can add, edit, delete tasks and store it in browser localstorage.
this item designed and developed using the latest HTML5, CSS3 and VueJS techniques, It’s totally responsive && mobile friendly, It will work properly on any device ( Desktops, tablets, mobiles, …… ).
This item is especially designed for designers, developers and creative freelancers who will need a simple and robust template to keep in touch with their clients.
Main Features
- HTML5, CSS3, VueJS
- You can add or delete task easy
- You can edit data by double click in task field, add your new data then click enter
- Data store in browser localstorage
- 100% Responsive
- W3 Validated (W3C Validated) HTML and CSS Codes.
- Using VueJS Liberary.
- Pure CSS, No images used
- Clean, Fresh, and Well Decorated Codes.
- Used multi colors and available to edit by CSS.
- Minimal and Clean
- All Browser Compatible.
- HTML CSS Javascript Files Included
- Easy to Customize.
- Easy to Edit Animation.
- Easy to Edit Colors.
- You will get 1 HTML file, 1 CSS file, 2 files Javascript Documentation file.
- You can use any HTML editor code software to develop the item as Atom, Visual Studio Code and Sublime.
- You can use it in control panel, website pages and many other purposes.
- Can be easily integrated into HTML Project or Website.